Crate rstest

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This crate will help you to write simpler tests by leveraging a software testing concept called test fixtures. A fixture is something that you can use in your tests to encapsulate a test’s dependencies.

The general idea is to have smaller tests that only describe the thing you’re testing while you hide the auxiliary utilities your tests make use of somewhere else. For instance, if you have an application that has many tests with users, shopping baskets, and products, you’d have to create a user, a shopping basket, and product every single time in every test which becomes unwieldy quickly. In order to cut down on that repetition, you can instead use fixtures to declare that you need those objects for your function and the fixtures will take care of creating those by themselves. Focus on the important stuff in your tests!

In rstest a fixture is a function that can return any kind of valid Rust type. This effectively means that your fixtures are not limited by the kind of data they can return. A test can consume an arbitrary number of fixtures at the same time.


The rstest crate defines the following procedural macros:


Very often in Rust we write tests like this

fn should_process_two_users() {
    let mut repository = create_repository();
    repository.add("Bob", 21);
    repository.add("Alice", 22);

    let processor = string_processor();
    processor.send_all(&repository, "Good Morning");

    assert_eq!(2, processor.output.find("Good Morning").count());

By making use of [rstest] we can isolate the dependencies empty_repository and string_processor by passing them as fixtures:

fn should_process_two_users(mut empty_repository: impl Repository,
                            string_processor: FakeProcessor) {
    empty_repository.add("Bob", 21);
    empty_repository.add("Alice", 22);

    string_processor.send_all("Good Morning");

    assert_eq!(2, string_processor.output.find("Good Morning").count());

… or if you use "Alice" and "Bob" in other tests, you can isolate alice_and_bob fixture and use it directly:

fn alice_and_bob(mut empty_repository: impl Repository) -> impl Repository {
    empty_repository.add("Bob", 21);
    empty_repository.add("Alice", 22);

fn should_process_two_users(alice_and_bob: impl Repository,
                            string_processor: FakeProcessor) {
    string_processor.send_all("Good Morning");

    assert_eq!(2, string_processor.output.find("Good Morning").count());


  • async-timeout: timeout for async tests (Default enabled)
  • crate-name: Import rstest package with different name (Default enabled)

§Injecting fixtures as function arguments

rstest functions can receive fixtures by using them as input arguments. A function decorated with [rstest] will resolve each argument name by call the fixture function. Fixtures should be annotated with the [fixture] attribute.

Fixtures will be resolved like function calls by following the standard resolution rules. Therefore, an identically named fixture can be use in different context.

mod empty_cases {
    use super::*;

    fn repository() -> impl Repository {

    fn should_do_nothing(repository: impl Repository) {
        //.. test impl ..

mod non_trivial_case {
    use super::*;

    fn repository() -> impl Repository {
        let mut ds = DataSet::default();
        // Fill your dataset with interesting case

    fn should_notify_all_entries(repository: impl Repository) {
        //.. test impl ..

Last but not least, fixtures can be injected like we saw in alice_and_bob example.

§Creating parametrized tests

You can use also [rstest] to create simple table-based tests. Let’s see the classic Fibonacci example:

use rstest::rstest;

#[case(0, 0)]
#[case(1, 1)]
#[case(2, 1)]
#[case(3, 2)]
#[case(4, 3)]
#[case(5, 5)]
#[case(6, 8)]
fn fibonacci_test(#[case] input: u32,#[case] expected: u32) {
    assert_eq!(expected, fibonacci(input))

fn fibonacci(input: u32) -> u32 {
    match input {
        0 => 0,
        1 => 1,
        n => fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1)

This will generate a bunch of tests, one for every #[case(a, b)].

§Creating a test for each combinations of given values

In some cases you need to test your code for each combinations of some input values. In this cases [rstest] give you the ability to define a list of values (rust expressions) to use for an arguments.

fn should_terminate(
    #[values(State::Init, State::Start, State::Processing)]
    state: State,
    #[values(Event::Error, Event::Fatal)]
    event: Event
) {
    assert_eq!(State::Terminated, state.process(event))

This will generate a test for each combination of state and event.

§Magic Conversion

If you need a value where its type implement FromStr() trait you can use a literal string to build it.

#[case("", 8080)]
#[case("", 9000)]
fn check_port(#[case] addr: SocketAddr, #[case] expected: u16) {
    assert_eq!(expected, addr.port());

You can use this feature also in value list and in fixture default value.

§Optional features

rstest Enable all features by default. You can disable them if you need to speed up compilation.

  • async-timeout (enabled by default) — Implement timeout for async tests.

§Rust version compatibility

The minimum supported Rust version is 1.67.1.

Attribute Macros§

  • Define a fixture that you can use in all rstest’s test arguments. You should just mark your function as #[fixture] and then use it as a test’s argument. Fixture functions can also use other fixtures.
  • The attribute that you should use for your tests. Your annotated function’s arguments can be injected with [fixture]s, provided by parametrized cases or by value lists.